So, we have filed all of our paperwork and That PNW Dad LLC is official and we are also able to do business under Those PNW Kids which is great because it you hadnt noticed they have a shop on here...which is now hidden.
The shop is hidden at the moment because although we have a good amount of material and items with pictures and all, we haven't figured out shipping yet and thats a pretty important part if we are doing online sales. Or maybe we start out with just in person sales, but that sounds like a challenge, but im sure we can figure out a way to do it.

We could do flat rate shipping as well..... hhmm seems like we have some things to think about.

Another item I am working on is payroll especially since we I am going to be employing my kids and having them do actual work on the business. Ill try to have an update on this soon as well.
Until then we will keep working on building our stock and putting together items.
Stay tuned!
